Our mission is to enrich people's lives by providing equal opportunities
for healthy and purposeful living
Our Community Awaits
My Life My Way My Style My Choice
We work with our community to personalise adult health and social care support for people who desire to live in their local communities.
Everyone needs support from time to time. Supporting each other as a people is what we have learnt to do over time. As our bodies and minds develop, we adapt to changes by modifying our decisions and actions. When this becomes challenging due to health or social care needs, ZACH'S CARE is here to help.
At ZACH'S CARE , we listen to the needs of people using our services in order to understand their desires and agree pathways to achieve their goals.

Adult Health and Social Care
Our adult supported accommodation and supported living packages for people with
health and social care needs provide person centred, individualised health care and support
designed around the needs of the individual.
By catering to the personal needs of people using our services, we go just one step further to make everyone feel like they’re truly at home.

Care and Support Packages
Adults with health care and support needs associated with the following, but not limited to:
Challenging behaviour
Learning Disability
Mental IIlness
Physical Disability
Sensory Impairment
Homecare for working aged adults with complex needs who:
Are at risk of suicide, self-harm, or harming other people
Tend to self neglect and don't take treatment regularly
Are vulnerable – for example, because of financial difficulties
Have misused drugs or alcohol
Have learning disabilities
Moving on from reablement services

Supported Living
ZACH'S CARE enables adults with health or social care needs to live in their own home with support they need to be independent.
We provide personal care to people as part of the support to enable them to live in their home.
The personal care we provide is under separate contractual arrangement to those of the person’s individual tenancy or licence agreement.
Support that we offer for individuals in supported living model:
Support for applying and obtaining right benefits
Supporting people to keep their homes safe regular Fire checks, smoke alarm checks
Supporting people to maintain their tenancy, setting up utility accounts, contents insurance
Supporting people to budget and take care of their finances, using budget planners, meal planners, activity planners
Supporting people to make new friendships, access voluntary work placements, attend all appointments, health checks, etc...
Support and develop daily living skills including shopping , cooking, cleaning
"A good laugh and long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book"
Irish proverb
Wrest Park
Room 118 – first floor
Enterprise House
MK45 4HR